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HOW TO DONATE to SiRCHESI’s CAMBODIA HIV/AIDS research-guided prevention program:

          *1* FOR CANADIANS:
please go directly to http://www.thebetterplanetproject.ca/donate/ which is the charitable "giving" portal for University of Guelph Alumni Affairs .
 At this
  "Better Planet" campaign page, about 6 lines down is the indication: You can donate online by visiting: http://www.thebetterplanetproject.ca/giving .  Please click on that URL on the Guelph website (not here, unfortunately!) and you will be automatically transported to a Secure online donation webpage that accepts credit card donations. (Don't worry if it says at the top of your browser:  Blackbaud Inc (US) https://secure3.convio.net/uofg/site/Donation2?idb=[[S76:idb]]&df_id=2220&2220.donation=form1 )

Now, on this "Donation page", please skip the first two boxes and CHECK: "
I prefer to support an area that is not listed above".
A new box will appear where you can type in, as your Area of interest: CAMBODIAN HIV/AIDS Project. Fill in a Gift Amount in Canadian dollars; then check "Single gift" and fill in information to receive your receipt either online or mailed, and to pay with a credit card; once you've put in your card information, press NEXT (at the bottom of the page); you may be asked for an additional 3-digit card security code.           

 *2*  FOR CANADIAN DONORS wishing to use a CHEQUE:
Please make out to: "University of Guelph" with the notation HIV/AIDS Charitable Donation /Cambodia added in the bottom left corner of the cheque, and send to Paul Hossie, Manager, Financial Services, Alumni Affairs & Development, University of Guelph,Guelph, ON N1G 2W1, CANADA. Include address and email for receipt.

please send a cheque or money order in US dollars, made out to:
                 FRIENDS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH. with the notation HIV/AIDS Charitable Donation /Cambodia added in the bottom left corner.
Send to Paul Hossie, Manager, Financial Services, Alumni Affairs & Development, University of Guelph,Guelph, ON N1G 2W1, CANADA.
Include contact information and email for receipts sent in February.
For additional donation information or help, please contact: Paul Hossie, phossie@uoguelph.ca, Tel: 519-824-4120 ext. 53605, Fax: 519-822-2670

WHEN YOU HAVE MADE YOUR DONATION, please email  ilubek@uoguelph.ca with the date and amount, and I can verify that the donation is being directed to our project.

  • $25 provides 5 workplace health and safety interventions (with breathalyzer testing) for women workers in dangerous situations
  • $50 permits  10 persons at risk to attend a SiRCHESI health workshop on reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, alcohol overuse, and workers'  rights
  • $100 provides for one of our 21 peer-educator outreach workers to reach, in 4 months, 140 rural women and men with health promotion information about reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, etc.
  • 140 pays the monthly salary of 1 of our 5 SiRCHESI staff members
  • $200 provides a complete workshop for 70 young souvenir vendors at Angkor Wat against risks of sexual predators, HIV/AIDS and child-trafficking;
  • $250 pays for 250 social-behavioural monitoring interviews with high-risk persons visiting the local HIV/AIDS testing health center,
  • $2100 pays all salaries and expenses for SiRCHESI for one month's health promotion activities